The Science of Small Business | Merger Nation

The Science of Small Business

As this site has continued to grow (reaching almost 100,000 people a month now), I’ve started to see so many different stories from people that are working hard on their debt. It’s really awesome – I get random emails and messages on Facebook from people that just want to share a cool part of their life with me.

I honestly believe that paying off a big chunk of debt is powerful enough to change the fiber of who you are. Through my own journey of paying off my student loans, everything about my perspective on life has changed.

Every day (and I’m very serious about this) I wake up and take a second to reflect on how great life is. From the moment I opened the letter from Sallie Mae, to today where I literally make a living writing about money, I’m just grateful to be alive AND do what I do.

But The Journey Here Wasn’t Easy.

For every second that I reflect on how awesome things are, there’s another second where I remember what it took to get here.

If you’re in the process of getting rid of debt or already finished, what I’m about to say will resonate really strongly with you.

The biggest reason that people don’t pay off debt is that it freaking sucks. It’s not fun. You have to sit there and watch society leave you in the dust while you meal plan and wear the same crap clothes you had in college.

I’ve talked to people that are living at their parent’s house. In their sister’s basement. Busting their butts at two jobs while trying to make ends meet, AND throwing some extra cash at their student loans. Obsessing over every. single. dollar. that comes in and goes out.

It’s physically and mentally exhausting.

You Are Much Better Off Modeling What’s Already Working In The Marketplace That Your Competitors Are Spending Money Into And Finding Out How You Can Take That As Your Base And Your Foundation And Build Upon That And Make That Better.

For every second that I reflect on how awesome things are, there’s another second where I remember what it took to get here.

If you’re in the process of getting rid of debt or already finished, what I’m about to say will resonate really strongly with you.

But It’s Not, and They Wouldn’t

That kind of talk is just an excuse for not having the ability to do something hard. If they made a lot of money, they would spend it all. Instead of going out and hustling for more money, they would just wish for it via lottery tickets.

  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Interests
  4. Income Level
  5. What they do
  6. Why would they buy your product or service?
  7. What do they spend their money on?
  8. Are they on facebook? Twitter? Or are they more on LinkedIn?
  9. What problem are they experiencing?

And I swear I’m not just writing that to boost anyone’s ego. When I was paying off my loans, I was literally the only person I knew that was doing something “crazy” like that. It was like being on an island.

After starting this site, I’m meeting so many debt bloggers and M$M readers that are paying off crazy amounts of student loans/mortgages/credit card debt. It’s jaw-dropping.

So if you’re fighting the good fight by trying to tackle your debt or get ahead with money, just know that I have your back and understand what you’re going through. You’re not weird – you’re so smart that it pisses other people off.

  • Pellentesque euismod tellus nec ultricies scelerisque
  • Donec consequat dolor sed lectus posuere
  • Curabitur vestibulum eleifend justo non pulvinar
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus

And I swear I’m not just writing that to boost anyone’s ego. When I was paying off my loans, I was literally the only person I knew that was doing something “crazy” like that. It was like being on an island.

What can you expect

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus vulputate ipsum sed lorem vehicula, quis euismod risus dictum. Nullam vitae ex lobortis, maximus purus ac, ullamcorper est. Aenean nec ultricies est. Sed nisl orci, egestas tempor arcu a, fermentum rhoncus magna. Curabitur vestibulum eleifend justo non pulvinar. Morbi suscipit congue ante, nec aliquet neque pellentesque sed.

What you should do

Pellentesque tempor, metus quis hendrerit mattis, lorem nisl aliquet nisi, sed varius sapien elit in leo. Maecenas interdum nec tortor in tincidunt. Pellentesque at tortor erat. Morbi lacinia justo justo, vel accumsan ipsum ullamcorper ac. Praesent lobortis neque sed rhoncus feugiat. Aenean vel est enim.
