You sold your business, now what? | Merger Nation

You sold your business, now what?

You sold your business.

You did it.

You’ve got millions of dollars in the bank.

So why do you feel lost, directionless and maybe even a little depressed?

If you haven’t been in this position, you probably think it sounds crazy . . .

. . . maybe even impossible . . .

that you could sell a business, have millions in the bank and not be any place other than cloud nine.

Believe me, this is real.

I know because I’ve been there too.

Here’s how it happens.

If you’re like me, you lived and breathed your business while you owned it.

Anyone who has ever been in business knows that it’s not a straight line from inception to success.

It looks more like this:

And after you sell something you worked so hard to obtain . . .

… you may find yourself questioning whether there’s more for you or whether you already fulfilled your purpose.

Sure, its fun to play golf, spend time at school events with the kids, vacation, buy those things you’ve always wanted.

But you may at the same time feel unfulfilled.  You may question whether you deserved your newfound riches.

You may feel time is slipping away.

You may want to make a bigger impact on the world.

You may want to start building another business, one that’s much bigger (or smaller) than your last one.


And you may feel like you’re alone.

Being an entrepreneur is hugely rewarding but it can be lonely.

How many people are out there who can relate to you, after selling a business for 7 figures?


But You’re Not Alone

When I sold my last business, I felt this way too, but with the help of mentors, folks who had been through the same thing and had the breadth of experience and vision to coach me to my true purpose, I emerged happier, more fulfilled and with a better business than ever.  Hey, everyone should have a coach.  Even Michael Jordan had a coach.  Carson Wentz has a coach.  You get the point.  Here are some things to think about and incorporate into your daily routine if you find yourself lost or confused after selling a business for 7 figures.

  1. Be coachable
  2. Open your mind to knew ideas
  3. Read books on business and mindset
  4. Focus on all the blessings in your daily life and express gratitude
  5. Write down all the amazing things you’ve accomplished because life beats us down and it’s easy to forget
  6. Find your superpower.  Think about what you do best and what you truly enjoy and see if you could build a business around that
  7. Do at least 3 things that bring you joy each day for every 3 things you do for your business.
  8. Don’t let anyone steal your dream with ideas that may be right for them but are certainly wrong for you.
  9. Be unreasonable in the pursuit of your dreams.  When you are committed to an outcome and view it as inevitable, your success is inevitable.

No matter what you do, adopt a service mindset.  If you approach other people from the standpoint of how you can serve them, then whatever business you choose will inevitably prosper.


Believe me, with the right mindset and consistent action, you’ll regain your superpower, and not only will you be better off for it, but so will all those you impact – friends, family, clients, charities and so on.

Best of luck in your journey.

